Matt + Andria’s Engagement Photos
“Above are a few of our favorites from our beautiful day outside capturing engagement photos with Matt + Andria. When discussing plans for this couple’s photo session, we decided on an awesome abandoned barn setting which had some amazing daylight seeping through the falling down, old plank wooden walls. And ultimately, we decided to focus on mostly outdoor in nature settings. Andria mentioned that they aren’t necessarily “city” people ( where as the only exception they would head downtown is for a sports game ( where Matt would be rooting for the Sox and Andria alternately the Cubs ). She mentioned alternately “we are more small town people.” As a couple, Matt and Andria said they enjoy attending ballgames and spending time outdoors, riding their bikes and going for walks. Andria, although she now resides in the Chicago West suburbs, she mentioned how her and Matt are still “small town people”. These two grew up in North Central Illinois in the towns of Rock Falls and Dixon which are about 10 miles apart from each other. On the wedding day, we will be heading with them back home, to the small town of Deer Grove, to document their wedding day.
Often when we talk with many couple’s, they say with so many emotions overcoming each other during the moments of the proposal, it becomes difficult to remember exactly who said what and the exact sequences of the big proposal. On the day Matt proposed, Andria said after Matt presented to her the ring, she was so excited, she was left literally speechless. Matt proposed to Andria while in the Caribbean…
“In September 2010, Matt and I traveled to St Thomas for a long weekend getaway. Upon arrival, we decided to take a walk along the beach as sunset was near. Matt appeared to be awfully quiet on our walk, and we eventually came across a few chairs, so we sat down to take in the sunset and fresh ocean breeze. We sat talking for a while, when Matt leaned over to open his backpack and out came our scrapbook ( 6 months earlier Matt had made a scrapbook of pictures and ticket stubs from all the sporting events we attended along with creative rhymes referencing memorable moments from each event. ) I was so excited, I quickly began flipping through the pages to see all the new pictures, and sweet commentary he wrote recalling each event. Then, as I turned to the last page, I began to read the sweetest note describing our love and our future. Suddenly, I was nervous and forgot how to read. I looked up and there it was the most amazing ring! Matt was so anxious that he pulled out the ring before I could read the final sentence in the book, which stated, “I promise to love you for the rest of my life, will do you do me the honor and be my wife?” We sat there looking at each other and looking at the ring for what felt like an eternity; both of us kept waiting for the other to say something. Matt was waiting to hear “Yes” and I was waiting for him to ask ( remember, I stopped reading the second I saw the ring and never saw the final sentence in the book. ) Finally, Matt asked me to be his wife and of course I said YES!!! It was the perfect start to our St Thomas trip and the perfect way to begin the next chapter in our lives together.”
The couple met in 2009 at wedding of Matt’s cousin and Andria’s childhood friend. While at the wedding, Matt’s other cousin Dave (the groom’s brother) and his friends (including Andria’s best friend) were scheming to get the two of them together. Late during the reception, Dave confronted Matt about a gorgeous girl on the dance floor he just had to meet. Matt’s says his inability to dance well and a newly poured drink of his choice lead him to decline Dave’s invitation to meet Andria on the dance floor… and this was without even witnessing to whom Dave was referring to. In insisting he must meet her and Matt stubbornly refusing, instead insisting that his “drink was too good too pass up”, Dave next picks up his drink and proceeds to drink the entire glass. And afterwards Dave then proclaimed “Now what is your excuse?”. Having run out of excuses, Matt then mades his way to the dance floor and towards Andria… the woman with whom he would fall in love with. It was at that time that Matt says he realized “he was an idiot for not going out there initially because he definitely needed to go meet this gorgeous girl.” After having successfully dancing together for a song, another man at the wedding decided that Andria’s good looks and dancing ability was too good to pass up as well and proceeded to cut in. Being a gentleman, Matt proceeded to let him dance with Andria and then went back to his table. After that one song Andria, made her way over to Matt’s table, pointed at him and told him to get back on the dance floor with her. At that point, Matt knew he had just met someone special. Living a few hours apart from each other, it took some time before they had their first date. Andria, a life-long Chicago Cubs fan, decided to surprise Matt, a life-long Chicago White Sox fan, with tickets to that night’s Chicago White Sox game for that first date. After a White Sox win and some great conversation, Matt knew he had just been on a date with the woman of his dreams. After a few years of dating and a few baseball games later, Matt says “I can’t believe that first night he almost let his future wife slip out of his hands because of a jack and coke and a fear of dancing. Thankfully, Andria came back to the table.”
Matt + Andria thank you to you both in sharing your love stories and the details of your relationship with us. We enjoyed spending the day with you exploring the vintage barn, spending time around town, and walking around the forest preserve. Looking forward to seeing you both again in a few months at the wedding. Congrats!”
♥ Andria’s make-up and hair for this session was provided by Azza’s Hair Salon located in Oswego. While at the salon, Andria met a past Miller + Miller bride Lauren. ( And what a small world, Lauren was Andria’s hair stylist. )
Matt + Andria are planning for an outdoor wedding ceremony in Deer Grove Illinois at Deer Valley Golf Club. Dinner, dancing and the couple’s reception will also take place at the golf club.
We love our pictures. Look forward to working with u guys again in 3 months.